Environmental Policy

ServiceMaster Clean by Deeland Ltd recognises its responsibilities for the wider environment and to the local community. It is committed to comply with all relevant environmental legislation as a minimum performance, and to continually improve environmental performance through appropriate initiatives, controls, provision of resources and training of employees. The aim is to minimise adverse impacts on the environment of activities, products and services.


An Environmental Management System (EMS) has been established that complies with the International Standard ISO 14001. This integrates environmental understanding and control into other systems and procedures, under the direction of the senior management team and with the support of all employees, suppliers and contractors.


Management objectives and targets are established and reviewed on a regular basis to implement the Environmental Policy. These are based on a commitment to six environmental principles:


  • Prevention and reduction of pollution
  • Minimisation of energy and material usage and the production of waste
  • Effective and responsible waste management and disposal
  • Promoting product reuse and recycling
  • Maintaining high workforce awareness of environmental issues
  • Involving suppliers and contractors in environmental initiatives

The EMS’s effectiveness is monitored and maintained by regular audit and Management Review.


This Environmental Policy will be communicated to all employees and made available to the public on request. The involvement of its workforce and external interested parties affected in its Environmental Policy is encouraged by the organisation through effective communication procedures.

Jane Paisley                                                                         Date                                                          

Business Services Director                                               30th August 2024